Directed by Michael Thomas
Humboldt State University
Spring 2013
For Proof, my final production at HSU, I was the assistant lighting designer. For this show, I tried something new, which was to used Vectorworks to create color keys of our basic looks early on in the process. These turned out pretty well, and I'm looking forward to using the program again in the future.
Proof is one of my favorite plays, but from a design perspective, it has one large challenge; the scenes jump between present time and flashbacks at various times in the past. Meaning that the designers -- especially the lighting and costume designers -- had to set a scene that conveyed season, time of day, and years in the past in a clear enough way for the audience to follow the large leaps that Catherine's mind takes.
For the lighting design, our main inspiration was an image of a tree, the shadow of which fell across this family at different times. We found two great glass gobos from Rosco that showed a barren tree and then inverted version of it. With these we crafted our flashback tree in different seasons, creating both a warm and a cool look, and using the inverse gobo to give it a different colored "halo".
Humboldt State University
Spring 2013
For Proof, my final production at HSU, I was the assistant lighting designer. For this show, I tried something new, which was to used Vectorworks to create color keys of our basic looks early on in the process. These turned out pretty well, and I'm looking forward to using the program again in the future.
Proof is one of my favorite plays, but from a design perspective, it has one large challenge; the scenes jump between present time and flashbacks at various times in the past. Meaning that the designers -- especially the lighting and costume designers -- had to set a scene that conveyed season, time of day, and years in the past in a clear enough way for the audience to follow the large leaps that Catherine's mind takes.
For the lighting design, our main inspiration was an image of a tree, the shadow of which fell across this family at different times. We found two great glass gobos from Rosco that showed a barren tree and then inverted version of it. With these we crafted our flashback tree in different seasons, creating both a warm and a cool look, and using the inverse gobo to give it a different colored "halo".
Lighting Keys
Final Look